Industrial, Oil & Gas
Technical services and solutions out of one hand
- Drill collars
- Wear and spare parts, consumables
- Engineering
- Turn-key solutions for food processing and beverage industries incl. PET bottle production and filling
- Agriculture: Post harvest solutions
- Export financing solutions
von Cramm & Co. – your Export Packager
Our expert service provides you with many types of products for the producing industries, such as Oil & gas industry: Upstream, midstream and downstream industry, incl. supply engineering and tailored technical solutions at highly competitive prices.
Food industry: Fruit and vegetable preparation, soft drink and mineral water processing with packaging into TetraPack, PET or glass bottles.
Agriculture: post harvest solutiions from grain silos to wheat milling.
Infrastructure projects: Conveying systems, piping- and street building projects, delivery of trucks and busses with different superstructure, building machinery /-vehicles.
Export financing solutions for your investment comprising of equipment from different sources and possibly different countries, yet you need everything out of one hand. von Cramm & Co. can package and consolidate your deal and provides tailor made export financing – all out of one hand.